The National Curriculum Framework, 2022, released by the Government of India summarizes Curriculum as “The entirety of the organised experience of students” (NCF, 2022) and the well-thought-out, bespoke curriculum at Bright Riders School is designed to provide learning experiences that unveil still undiscovered potential and foster deep, enduring learning because they cater to varied learning abilities, styles and interests.
Our curriculum rests on the Indian CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) standards set by the Board of Education for public and private schools under the Union Government of India and aims to prepare students for grades 9 to 12, fully aligned with the expectations of the Board examinations.
However, in the formative years of KG to 8, the school has carefully crafted an eclectic mix of the best strategies /practices/academic programmes of international curricula along with the base of CBSE.
The well-qualified and trained team of teachers have experience of and exposure to the various international curriculum schools in Dubai. This empowers them to employ the latest best practices of teaching for effective learning, to support a curriculum designed to prepare global citizens of the world of tomorrow.
Given this profile, it’s no surprise that Bright Riders School is home to students of over 21 different nationalities.
The curriculum at this stage is inspired by the EYFS guidelines of the UK curriculum and blended with the best of the latest National Curriculum Framework of the CBSE. It aims at developing age-specific learning goals, through a thematic approach, focused on polishing key skills in literacy, numeracy, physical, social and emotional development. The classroom experience is child-initiated, encouraging enquiry-based learning and individual personality development. Teachers closely observe developing interests and abilities and promote students' thinking through probing and critical thinking questions. Ample opportunities for exploration based on students' needs and interests, foster connections between their experiences and integrate various areas of learning.
This next stage opens up new subjects and languages. The curriculum builds on prior learning, providing opportunities for students to strengthen and advance their skills. Students apply their knowledge through practical tasks and problem-solving. The curriculum also focuses on strengthening personal and social skills through collaboration and taking responsibility for their own learning.
These most impressionable years develop further both academic skills of critical thinking, problem solving etc and knowledge to enable a smooth transition to the fixed framework of Secondary and Senior Secondary of the CBSE. The focus is on taking forward Higher-Order Skills through experiential learning, project-based learning, and blended learning approaches. Students become increasingly self – driven and better understand strengths and areas for improvement.
Waiting eagerly to open its doors to the Secondary and Senior Secondary experience, the Bright Riders team is confident of the readiness of both students and faculty.
Across all phases and stages, assessment is interwoven into the teaching learning experience. Assessment is both formal and informal, Formative and Summative.
It is a continuous and comprehensive experience that is ongoing in several formats. Project work, written and non- written assessments, research and oral presentations give learners varied and multiple opportunities to display their learning so that they get a chance to play their strengths.
Its formats are designed to include Knowledge, Understanding and Skill development.
The co-scholastic achievements and development of social, emotional domains also find a place in the assessment of learners and reporting to parents.
Parents are regularly updated on the attainment levels of their child through feedback on written work, exam answer scripts and in formal report cards issued twice in the year.
Teachers use their close and continuous assessment as diagnostic of unique learning needs and plough this information into their classroom processes.
In the Kindergarten there are no formal tests or written examinations. These are gradually phased in into grades 1 & 2 and then systematically stepped up in grades 3 to 8 to get students trained in developing the temperament for high stakes examinations that culminate in the school leaving exam of CBSE grade 12.
With an eye on preparing students for the global world into which they will grow, the school puts itself to the test by actively participating in International Benchmarking Tests like PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA. These tests are designed to tell us where the Bright Riders stand in relation to thousands of the same age across the world and in various curricula. Test results so far have been very encouraging and show that students are well prepared to compete with the best in the world. Bright Riders School also subscribes to the international benchmarking test in Arabic.
The annual ASSET assessment gives valuable insight into where the Bright Riders stand vis.a vis their Indian counterparts at the same age and stage. The School reports show clearly that students are in the Very Good to Outstanding band in all 3 subjects tested, namely English, Maths and Science.
Likewise, the internationally renowned and used CAT4 assessment helps parents and teachers reach a better understanding of the students potential and how they learn best.
Outstanding achievement, the pursuit of excellence deserves to be recognized and rewarded. Merit Certificates and Medals wait for those who go above and beyond their peers and they are felicitated in a special ceremony.
For those who demonstrate consistent achievement in selected key subjects through the the academic year, across all divisions of the grade.
For those who demonstrate a consistent work ethic and score the highest average percentage by the end of the academic year, across all divisions of the grade.
Other categories for recognition include: